Articles About COSM

  • When Failure is Not an Option - Part 1

    Credit “Star Trek” with solving a legitimate lunar problem for NASA’s Artemis program: the 238,900-mile supply chain back to Earth. In the “Star Trek” universe, a “replicator” is a matter-energy conversion machine that produces food, tools, ship components, and more…

  • Metal 3D Printing Systems for Space Bots

    With the nearest hardware stores being 238,900 miles away, this metal 3D printing technology will allow early Moon residents to manufacture their own parts. This will become even more essential for the inhabitants of Mars, which will be 93.3 million miles from home base...

  • Autonomous In-space Assembly and Manufacturing

    What seemed to be merely a product of science fiction, COSM Advanced Manufacturing System has been working on advanced technology that could bring the possibility of robots autonomously manufacturing components outside of a spacecraft a step closer to reality.…

  • NASA Increases Investment in US Small Businesses to Mature Lunar Capabilities for Artemis

    COSM Advanced Manufacturing Systems of Ipswich MA will support NASA’s needs for in-space manufacturing, assembly, modification, and repair of components. Its advanced electron beam system has a high degree of active process control, real-time inspection, and flaw detection…

  • COSM to Design Electron Beam System for NASA Space Manufacturing Program

    NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) is working to create what it’s calling a Commercial Infrastructure for Robotic Assembly and Services, or CIRAS. A public-private partnership will form to develop technologies geared towards in-orbit manufacturing and assembly of large space structures that will further human and robotic space exploration…

  • COSM Gets NASA Funding for 3D Printing Project

    The company was recently chosen to start work on the design of an electron beam system for an in-space autonomous assembly program. The work will be funded by a contract from NASA’s Langley Research Center, in partnership with Orbital ATK, NASA’s Glenn Research Center and the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory…

  • Manufacturing in Space with Robots and 3D Printing

    What’s cooler than manufacturing? Manufacturing in space! “The assembly and fabrication of structures in space under autonomous robotic control, is of course, extremely challenging,” said Richard Comunale, founder and president of COSM. “Our effort focuses on development of the electron gun, optics and beam control and metrology systems for this application.” …